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Monday, 16 June 2014

Bookish Apps

Well, none of us is untouched by technology. And we, as bibliophiles, read voraciously, e-books abound, we read through reviews online on blogs and websites. So, there is no gainsaying that we have become dependent on it too.
If websites start dominating our bookish lives, app developers couldn't be far behind. Who wouldn't want to have access to a repository of books, reviews, barter and other such bookish services.
Here is a list of apps we recommend:

1. The Must-Have App :: Goodreads : Well, goes without saying, a bibliophile is incomplete without updating her reading statuses on goodreads, then writing a review and rating when we are done, and then browsing through other people's reviews to find consolation that we are not alone, and seeing it through other people's perspectives.

2. For the audio-book Junkie :: Smart AudioBook Player: If you don't mind shelving out a few bucks for complete pleasure, it is heaven on earth. designed specially for playing audio books, this app is the best audio book app we have out there.

3. Lending was never this easy :: : This app helps you to connect with books, the ones you need, and their owners, and then it lets you chat with them to exchange the books at preferably a coffee shop. Now that revives the romantic idea of reading and coffee!
More about it here

What are you waiting for? Get these apps NOW!

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