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Sunday, 5 July 2015

The charm of reading in the rains

Monsoon has arrived. For us in India, monsoon connotes special somethings through its name alone. While for a rain-dependent agricultural nation, it heralds good news, it is also the most romanticized in popular culture. 
We always complain about the summers- nobody likes the scorching heat, we despise the winters for making us lazy among other things. But when it comes to rains, nobody can right away dismiss the charm. 

Even lesser beings like me, who are already messy and unbalanced, rains aren't very enjoyable, especially when you have to use the public transport. Bearing my belongings, which is obviously a book, I am often stranded at places. Umbrellas shield me, but more often than not I do not carry one lest the weight of my bag becomes unbearable. So yes- I am often stranded at places. I try to enjoy the rains, but when I am outdoors, I somehow just cannot let it go. 
However once home, I like it all- when I have to change into dry clothes, and enjoy the spectacle from indoors. Sometimes, when we are lucky we are also treated to the sight of the hues of a rainbow- and although the city structures don't let all colors bloom in their glory, we make do with whatever we have. 

There is something ethereal, an otherwordly feeling about sitting by the window, listening to the falling rain, and the smell of wet soil. Cliched as it may sound, it is even cathartic. Here's the books you can read when it rains to enhance your experience:

1. Harry Potter
The entire series, that's right. Seriously though, When is not the right time to catch up On your favoruite series?

2. The Great Gatsby

Yes- magic outside, magic inside: the magic of the opulence of the most tragic and beautiful story.

3. Memoirs of  Geisha

Now, I haven't read it yet- so next time it rains, i am definitely picking this one up. Romance, erotica, suspense- all in one, who could resist it, no?

4. Any Jane Austen Book
Pride and prejudice, Sense and sensibility, Emma: always is a good time to read 'em up! Or reread if you have already

To me, the sheer joy of reading snippets and quotes from my favourite classic is the best version of a rainy day read- do tell me yours in comments below!

This post is inspired from the post here.
When I thought about enjoying rains, reading was the first thing that came to my mind, hence the post! I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.

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