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Monday, 17 September 2018

A list of all my favorite Bojack Horseman Season 5 Think Pieces

There are very rare shows that actually want to make you do more about, than just watch. Bojack Horseman, the Netflix animated series about a talking horse, has had its fair share of evolution over the past 5 seasons.
The fifth and most recent season was released just last week but fans have already binged it. Now there are facebook groups with long discussion threads, reddit fora, twitter threads and major media websites with Think Pieces about
- the entirety of the season
- the eulogy episode
- the show's handling of a problematic character
- much more

So I am compiling here a list of all the think pieces that I read and liked. (in no particular order)

While we are at it, I wrote one for UnBumf too: Bojack Horseman Season 5: You Say You Want To Get Better, But You Do Not Know How

I have also added the full text of the eulogy on highlights on my instagram

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