About the Book:

Akriti has led a pretty much sheltered life.
Zayn has been shuttled from city to city when he was growing up.

He wants to feel rooted to a place he can call ‘home’.
They meet each other quite by chance.
And both seize the chance to be someone they both need in their lives:
For Zayn, it’s a 'Partner-In-Crime'.
For Akriti, someone who just knows how to be there for her…
When their worlds collide,
It is not what either of them expected it to be.
Zayn has a steady girlfriend. And Akriti has a crush on him.
What happens when these two become friends?
The biggest adventure of their lives? Or the road to heartbreak?
What happens when two completely different people collide?
Do they become friends? Or, is their friendship doomed from the start?
'When Our Worlds Collide' is the story of two twenty-three-year olds, Who are finally growing up and finding their feet in the world.
A tale of friendship and love, crushes and betrayals, messes and second chances, Marriage and divorce… and the elusive happily ever after!
Aniesha Brahma knew she wanted to be a writer since she was six years old. She was schooled in Dolna Day School and went on to pursue B.A., M.A., and M.Phil in Comparative Literature from Jadavpur Univeristy. She currently lives in Kolkata, with her family and five pet cats. The Secret Proposal was her debut novel, followed by The Guitar Girl. She was a contributing author with her story The Difference, in the anthology: Voices, Old & New. When Our Worlds Collide is her third work of fiction, and first novella.
Facebook Page * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Website * GoodReadsMy Review:
When our Worlds collide is the kind of book you'd think is that same beaten. cliched story of Boy-meets-girl. only, it isn't. This book, this story is like a rebel.
This movie is to books what Queen was to Bollywood. Happy endings, but not the cliched, damsel-in-distress-rescued-by-prince charming ones.
Sure, we do have a damsel, and she sure as hell is in distress. But the story is a quick-read and worth a read.
The characters battle dysfunctional families and broken homes, and the trauma that comes with it and the protagonist- Akriti, steals the show. I can't even explain when she endeared herself, but the magnitude is definitely huge.
those parts in the book have been written very intensely where Akriti fights family.
Rest is all about life falling into place.
This book will leave you with hope and loads of relief.
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