This event is hosted by the wonderful DDS, who has herself been an inspiring blogger, and she blogs at B00kR3vi3ws
This year, I talk about how like homing pigeons, books and I always return to each other <3 b="">3>
My reading journey, this past year was the most unusual one. in my final year of graduation, leading a student publication, working as a journalist for another, and holding a position in the college department, while filing applications for further studies wasn't an ideal circumstance for me to take out time for sleeping, let alone reading tastefully. I was trying to use commute time initially to make up for the lost reading time, but within a few days, the commute time became work time too, as i made frantic calls to sponsors and brands and team members.
Sleeping for a paltry four hours didn't help the cause, and to my anguish, when I tried to get back to regular reading, I found it really hard to concentrate.
I was so used to the instant gratification and instant assessment of social media because of the publication I worked at, it became hard to draw pleasure out of reading which took its time, which necessitated one to draw the nectar slowly and savour it.
So, I decided not to give up, and make a comeback. I started by reading novels that I could read and finish off easily. Then, i hopped onto denser novels, and here I am within a month, talking about classics and whatnot.
Bottom Line: All books serve a purpose, and words can save a life, time and again.
On this occasion, I am giving away a copy of An Audience With Lama and these pretty bookmarks by Book Lovers Society.
Enter to win in the rafflecopter below, or alternatively, go check on my instagram account for more entries!

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