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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Book Review: Love, that shit! by Chandru Bhojwani

About the book:

Like a rollercoaster, relationships have their nauseating ups, downs, twists and turns... Sure, like a rollercoaster, relationships are also fun and exciting but what happens when the ride isn’t as smooth as you thought it would be? What do you do when you want to get off the ride but disengaging the safety harness is a lot harder than you thought? Or simply, what if you’re finding it difficult to get on a ride in the first place, especially when there isn’t a height restriction? 

...Unfortunately, relationships don’t come with perforated edges and Love, That Shit! (LTS) hopes to help you through the process of getting into, dealing with and even the aftermath of relationships. What sets LTS apart is its contemporary approach, aimed at enlightening while simultaneously, entertaining. 

Challenging norms and common thinking at times, LTS hopes to keep you chuckling, or at least smiling, as you embark on the journey and absorb its message.

Book Cover:

About the Author:

Born in Africa, Chandru was raised between Nigeria, India and England where he obtained a MA in International Business and Management. After working in New York for three years, Chandru moved back to Nigeria in 2002 and joined the family business. During that time he was offered a full-time columnist position at the South Asian publication, Beyond Sindh. He went on to publish his first book, The Journey of Om in 2010 and is set to release a new book in 2013/14.

In 2013, Chandru played Dr. Vikram Randhawa in the Brit-Asian feature film, Born to be King and a sinister boss in the short, Inescapable. An avid fan of movies, cricket and basketball, Chandru now resides in London, UK with his wife and son.

My Review:

The first thing that deserves a thumbs-up is the quirky and zany title of the book. It lends it a sense of humor, wisdom and an offbeat characteristic which is ominous of the book to follow.
It gives you a delightful treat of teachings like,  'One must kiss many frogs before finding the prince/princess.' and to see that it justifies all the things said and discussed. The book, as you may have surmised, talks at length about relationships and love and soulmates and partners and families and marriage and kinds of marriages and mother-in-laws and father-in-laws and all such stuff that our lives are made of. Those who are married can seek solace in the fact that they are not alone, and those who are yet to initiate the escapade shall find some really precious pearls of wisdom.
The language is also easy to understand, embellished by the beads of sarcasm and hilarity every once in a while.
The book also kept me on toes with the smell of misogynist-ism in one chapter followed by sheer feminism in another. This means balance, and that is another trademark of the book.
Plus it also has witty humor, which applies universally, consider this: "Who is this 'they' we constantly refer to in everyday life? "They say its the thought that counts" .... Is it an individual or a collective? How did he/she/they come by such knowledge, wisdom and insight? Do they have qualifications or do they just jabber on while high on ganja and we, like sheep, follow their every word as gospel?"

At times, the book has a serious overtone, when explaining the perils of love and arranged marriages respectively. It brings to the fore the apprehensions people, as a part of the society face.
On the whole, the book is a light read and treats you well as a travel companion.
Also, look out for the various varieties of in-laws, its the cherry on the cake.

Best Lines: 

Bottom line, when shit happens.....flush it.

My Judgement:

The best way to read this book is one chapter a day, so as to keep yourself entertained for 23 days as well as for the better reason of not making it sound like another of those marriage guides, love tips or plain self-help.

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