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Friday, 20 June 2014

Book Review: Singlehood by Wilson Awasu

About the book:

Being Single Can Feel Frustrating... Try a Change of Perspective! There can be many complex emotions tied up in the idea of being single. Societal pressures, self-esteem, loneliness, a sense of where you fit in the can seem overwhelming or even depressing. Singlehood is a refreshing look at what it means to be single. Follow Lisa as she learns valuable lessons about herself, and challenges long-held misconceptions that hold many people back. Do you look for a potential partner with a laundry list of must-haves, ignoring your own dysfunctions? Are you more focused on what someone can give to you, rather than on what you will bring to a partnership? Are you locked into the idea that people who don't have children aren't fulfilling their calling in life? And do you believe that as a single person, you aren't who you are supposed to be. Properly benefiting from singlehood can be the most powerful tool in transitioning to a successful marriage. Let Singlehood open your eyes to a new way of thinking, and learn along with Lisa how to enjoy being single, and how to learn the skills that will let you take charge of the experience of singlehood, turning it into a time for growth and blossoming, rather than bitterness and frustration.

About the Author:

Wilson Awasu (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) has been given the opportunity to observe people’s relational patterns during decades of teaching and interacting with college students, missionaries, and hundreds of people both within and outside the church. This book shares his tremendous insights, taken from experience with eligible singles, never-married singles, married couples both with and without children, widows, widowers, and divorcées. Dr. Awasu is the author of Kim’s Confessions, Kathy’s Good News, and Family Likeness. He and his wife Anna live in Lakeville, Minnesota.

My Review:

The theme of the book is naturally intriguing in a society which views the matters of marriage and single-hood very seriously and where marital status is both a measure of happiness and sorrow. Well, to begin with, the book does touch up on subjects of everyone's concerns: simple things like how we have an irrational tendency to grow our self-esteem based upon how we perform at relationships, or how we tend to overrate the act of being in a relationship. everything leads to one fact: the frustration that we feel on being single is unnatural, it is something the societal constructs force us to feel.

So, we first need to fall in love with ourselves, before being able to commit the time and energy that any relationship requires.
The book reads in the form of a workshop and seeks to address all queries.
Now, although the theme is universal, the approach is not. It is a christian book, which means that the way it chooses might not appeal to everyone. But then, the universality of the theme makes it possible for any reader to relate to it. It even talks about forgiveness and healing, things which play a major role in determining relationship success, but many people know not of.

 My Judgement:

 If you are game for a Christian self-help, get reading!

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